Fruit Crafters Club

Join the Fruit Crafters Club if you:

1) Enjoy ripe and juicy fruits at a discount!
2) Are a brewer, canner, jammer, juicer, baker, processor, or fruit preserver!
3) Love a good project.
4) want to enjoy dleicious summer fruits during every season.


What’s it all about?

When we have fruit that is too ripe, nicked, bruised, or otherwise blemished to be put into our CSA boxes or send to farmer’s markets, we sell them as “seconds” or “#2’s”

When this happens, we call upon all of our friendly brewers, food processors, canners, jammers, smoothie connoisseurs, etc. - fruit “crafters” if you will - to give these fruits a second chance.

By joining the Fruit Crafters Club, you will receive an email when we have single variety or mixed variety fruits that need a new home quickly… and at a discount!

Join the Collins Family Orchards Fruit Crafters Club group on Facebook to ask questions / receive tips, tricks, and recipes from others in our fruit processing community!

These fruits will be for pickup only at our warehouse in Georgetown, Seattle. We will let you know in the email if delivery is an option.

Sound like something you may be interested in?
Join our Fruit Crafters Club newsletter and Facebook group!